Guide to online education on human rights violation prevention for the creation of a healthy research environment for the 4th stage BK21 project > Notice

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Guide to online education on human rights violation prevention for the…

페이지 정보

Name 관리자 Date22-11-03 11:13 Hit841 Comment0



- Contents of education: Review of cases of human rights violations for graduate students and provide a guide to preventing poor academic activities


- Target of education: Persons participating in the 4th stage BK21 project (compulsory course for all participating personnel)

* Participating professors, participating graduate students, new research personnel, industry-university cooperation personnel (Excluding administrative personnel)

- How to take: Access the Alpha Campus website and take a video lecture

Alpha Campus site ( newly opened


* Take only one course during the total participation period, but those who have completed the existing lectures after September 1, 2020 are excluded from the compulsory new lectures. (However, only those who have a certificate of completion issued after September 1, 2020 will be recognized as having completed the course!!)


- Others: After completing the course, a certificate of completion must be issued and submitted to the administration office

(In particular, new BK participating graduate students (new students) in the second semester of the 2022 academic year must submit the certificate of completion to the administration office or by 2022. 11. 4. (Fri.)


Attachments 1. The online educational content course manual (Kor) for creating a healthy research environment

2. The online educational content instruction manual (Eng) for creating a healthy research environment. end.



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