2022 Winter Special lecture on how to write and present English papers…
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Name 관리자 Date22-12-09 11:37 Hit797 Comment0File
2022학년도 동계 국제수준 논문 작성법 특강 신청 안내문.hwp (199.0K) 6회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-12-09 11:37:25
2022학년도 동계 국제수준 논문 발표법 특강 신청 안내문.hwp (72.0K) 9회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-12-09 11:37:25
1. Program Overview
- How to write an international-level English thesis: Customized lectures and proofreading by department and level for English thesis writing
- How to present an international-level English thesis: strengthen internationalization capabilities through intensive courses to improve English expression and delivery skills suitable for presentations, speeches, conferences, etc.
2. Application period: 2022. 12. 1. (Thu) ~ 12. 16. (Fri)
3. Operating period: 2023. 1. 3. (Tue) ~ 2. 7. (Tue), 5 weeks, Tue/Wed/Thu 2 hours (total 30 hours)
4. Lecture method: face-to-face lecture
5. Eligibility: General graduate school students (including students enrolled after completion)
6. How to apply: Graduate school website – Student growth support – Grad Grow (비교과)
Attachments 1. 2022 Winter International Level English Thesis Writing Application Guidelines.
2. 2022 Winter International Level English Thesis Presentation Application Guidelines..
3. 2022 Winter International Level English Thesis Writing/Presentation Publicity Material.
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