The Office of Graduate School is recruiting CNU (ONLINE) Admission Ambassadors > Notice

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The Office of Graduate School is recruiting CNU (ONLINE) Admission Amb…

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Name 관리자 Date22-08-29 14:14 Hit955 Comment0



The Office of Graduate School is recruiting CNU (ONLINE) Admission Ambassadors


We are seeking engaging, enthusiastic, and committed international students, who are dedicated to the positive promotion of CNU to prospective students in their home countries, to serve as Admission Ambassadors and representatives of CNU


The CNU Admission Ambassador Program will be a great opportunity for current students to be involved in the promotion of CNU and to share their experiences with prospective students and the community. Current students will be able to pass on their knowledge, insights, and enthusiasm on what it is like to be a university student at CNU.


Responsibilities & Expectations

• Promote a positive image of the college and introduce scholarships to your home university, friends, or anybody who might be interested in studying in Korea

• Carry online ambassador activities on popular SNS platforms in your country

• Follow-up with prospective students

• Answer phone and email inquiries

• Submit a written report of your activities (screenshots)

• Conduct campus tours (if there are any guests from one’s country of origin)



• Currently enrolled international graduate students (including enrolled students who completed coursework)

• Candidates must be recommended by their academic advisor at CNU

• Ability to participate in the program for at least one semester


Benefits to Student Ambassadors

• Training and actual experience that provides an opportunity to develop communication, SNS marketing, and problem-solving skills.

• Activity support fee: 250,000won per semester + certificate of participation

• Selecting excellent students and giving a reward


Selection Schedule
• Application period: August 25 ~ September 6, 2022
• Document Screening: September 8, 2022
• Interview: September 14, 2022
• Announcement: September 16, 2022

• Orientation: 4pm, September 19, 2022 (The schedule is subject to change.)
  The results of the document screening will be notified individually.


How to Apply

• After log-in the portal, please go to the Graduate School website( – 경력개발비교과프로그램) and apply by 6 September. You need to click the green button(신청하기) at the bottom of the notice and attach the application form.



If you have any questions about the Buddy, feel free to contact the Office of Graduate School at  


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