Information on the application for the third round overseas training s…
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Name 관리자 Date22-09-07 14:08 Hit780 Comment0File
2022학년도 3차 대학원생 국외연수 지원사업 안내문.hwp (185.0K) 12회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-09-07 14:08:31
2022학년도 3차 대학원생 국외연수 지원사업 신청서서식.hwp (32.5K) 4회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-09-07 14:08:31
Information on the application for the third round overseas training support project for graduate students in 2022
1. Application period: 2022. 9. 13. (Tue) ∼ 10. 14. (Fri) 18:00
2. Training (dispatch) period: 2022. 11. ∼ 2023. 2. (up to 4 months)
3. Eligibility: General graduate school master's and doctoral students (including students enrolled after completion)
4. How to apply: Graduate school website (Career development-Comparative subject program)
5. Support budget: KRW 1.2 million ~ KRW 2 million / month (differential payment by region and training period)
1. One copy of the guidebook for the 2022 third overseas training for graduate students.
2. One copy of the application form for the 2022 third overseas training for graduate students.
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