Information on holding a special lecture on how to write an English pa…
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Name 관리자 Date22-09-22 15:12 Hit849 Comment0File
영문에디터의 「영어논문 작성법 온라인 특강」기본 계획.hwp (178.5K) 9회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-09-22 15:12:36
영어논문 작성법 특강 Common Mistakes in Research Writing 홍보포스터.pdf (548.8K) 7회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-09-22 15:12:36
In order to enhance the research skills of our graduate students and emerging research personnel and strengthen the ability to write international academic papers, we are holding a special lecture on how to write English papers that analyze the mistakes that non-English authors make when writing academic papers in English and suggest solutions based on actual cases
1. Education name: Common Mistakes in Research Writing, a special lecture on how to write English papers by an English editor
※ Proceed in English
2. Date and time: October 7, 2022 (Fri) 10:30-12:30
3. Location: Zoom Webinar
4. Target: Master's and Ph.D. degree students and up-and-coming research personnel (Sending presentation data only to pre-applicants)
5. How to apply:
6. Application period: September 19, 2022 (Mon) to October 6, 2022 (Thu)
7. Special lecture contents:
- Check common English writing issues
- Detailed description of the writing problem
- Evaluation of writing problems in research papers
- Editing Workshop: Analyzing and Correcting Writing Problems (Analyzing Introduction and Discussion Partial Writing Sample and Correcting Errors in Sample Sentences)
8. Contact point: 062-530-5916/ Graduate School Innovation Headquarters Talent Training Office
Attachment 1. One copy of the English Editor's "Special Lecture on How to Write an English Paper" basic plan (draft)
2. Special lecture on how to write an English paper: Common Mistakes in Research Writing PR poster Part 1. The end.
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