Request to attend integrity education (protection of graduate students…
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Name 관리자 Date22-04-27 15:51 Hit792 Comment0File
★붙임2022년도 BK21 사업 참여인력 청렴교육대학원생 권익보호 계획공지용.pdf (106.3K) 17회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-04-27 15:51:15
○ Education topic: Everyone's commitment to guaranteeing human rights for graduate students - A research site that examines human rights sensitivity
○ Date/Place: May 3, 2022 (Tue) 14:00-16:30 / Online (BK21 YouTube* Broadcast)
* URL (20 minutes ago) :
○ Education method: English lecture starts at 14:00, Korean lecture starts at 15:30
○ Attendance target: BK21 graduate students and young researchers (unlimited number of participants)
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