Information on the implementation plan of additional exemptions for fo…
페이지 정보
Name 관리자 Date24-08-23 14:14 Hit159 Comment0File
- 2024 하반기 외국어 및 종합시험 추가면제 신청 공고문.hwp (47.5K) 4회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-08-23 14:14:56
- 2024년 하반기 일반대학원 외국어 및 종합시험 추가 면제 신청자 명단서식.xlsx (34.1K) 6회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-08-23 14:14:56
- 대학원 학위논문제출자격시험외국어시험, 종합시험 면제 지침2024. 6..hwp (44.0K) 0회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-08-23 14:14:56
1. In the second half of 2024, I would like to inform you of the plan for additional exemption from the general graduate school's foreign language and comprehensive examination as follows.
* Please check the qualification conditions and related documents and submit them within the deadline **
Submission documents: Application, Excel file, and supporting documents (presentation if you are qualified for thesis)
Submission period: August 26, 2024 to September 3, 2024 17:00
Place of submission: Graduate Administration Office, Room M2 104 of Hwasun Convergence Research-dong
***Precautions for Completion of Exemption Application***
Check the sheet regarding the exemption conditions for foreign language and comprehensive examination exemption (excel file) and submit it by e-mail
Papers (PDF submission) and submission (paper submitted by e-mail) when applying for exemption due to the thesis performance
Attachment 1. Part 1 of the notice of additional exemption (including application) from the general graduate school's foreign language and comprehensive examination in the second half of 2024.
2. Part 1 of the list of applicants for additional exemptions (forms).
3. Guidelines for Exemption from Qualification Test (Foreign Language Test, Comprehensive Test) for Submission of Graduate Degree Papers, Part 1. The End.
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