Information on the additional registration period for the second semester of 2024 and application period for leave of absence and return to school > Notice

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Information on the additional registration period for the second semes…

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Name 관리자 Date24-08-26 13:46 Hit190 Comment0



1. Payment of additional tuition fees



1) Tuition payment period: 2024. 9. 10.(Tue) ~ 9. 12. (Thr)

2) Registration place: Gwangju Bank, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (including local agricultural cooperatives) Headquarters and branches nationwide.

3) The payment notice is printed directly on the university website or Chonnam National University portal.

4) Points to Note

- 2024. Students who register after receiving a government-guaranteed student loan for the second semester must pay their tuition within the registration period.

- 2024. Those who exceed the second semester must pay tuition during the additional registration period.



2. Application for leave of absence or return to school


1) an application for a return to school

- Early return to school: 2024. 8. 26.(Mon) ~ 9. 2.(Mon)

- General return to school: 2024. 8. 26.(Mon) ~ 9. 5.(Thr)

2) a leave of absence

- General leave of absence (unregistered): 2024. 9. 10.(Tue) ~ 9.12.(Thr)

- General leave of absence (registration): 2024. 8. 20.(Tue) ~ 10. 30.(Wen)

- Extension of leave of absence: 2024. 9. 10.(Tue) ~ 9.12.(Thr)


Attachments 1. Part 1 of the notice.  The end. 


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