Information on registration of applicants after completion of general …
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Name 관리자 Date24-02-16 16:10 Hit743 Comment0File
2024학년도 1학기 수료후등록생 신청 명단.xls (184.5K) 20회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-02-16 16:10:03
After completing the general graduate school in the first semester of 2024, we will confirm the list of registered students, so please check it.
1. Registration amount: 8% of tuition is notified as 'college after completion'
2. Bill output and payment period: February 20, 2024 (Tue) to February 23, (Fri) 16:00 [for 4 days]
3. Bills issued (each student outputs):
Portal-Educational Support-Registration-Registration after graduate school completion-Output of registered student bill after completion of school
Attachment One copy of the list of those eligible for registration after completion of the first semester of the 2024 academic year. The end.
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