Guide to reviewing the thesis of Master's and Doctoral Degree for the 1st semester of 2023 (to graduate in February 2024) > Notice

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Guide to reviewing the thesis of Master's and Doctoral Degree for…

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Name 관리자 Date23-10-24 17:08 Hit724 Comment0



1. Guidelines for thesis review



Doctoral Degree

Master's Degree

Examination deadline

Until 2023. 12. 15.(Fri)

number of examinations

3 or more times

2 or more times

Documents to be sent to the judges

- 1 copy of thesis for review

심사용 논문 1

- 1 copy of consent

승낙서 1

- 1 copy of examination result table

심사결과표 1

- 1 copy of review summary(Chairman of the Jury)

심사요지서(심사위원장) 1

- 1 copy of Examination Schedule

심사일정표(심사위원장) 1

- 3 copies of interim report (Chairman of Jury)

중간보고서(심사위원장) 3


- 1 copy of thesis for review

심사용 논문 1

- 1 copy of consent

승낙서 1

- 1 copy of examination result table

심사결과표 1



Public presentation (face-to-face)

Date: 2023. 11. 17. (Fri) 13:00 ~ 18:00

Venue: Graduate School Lecture Room, 2nd floor, Hwasun Educational Information Building

Please inform the judges who can attend.

For the order of presentation, please check the chorus mail of the advisor, if there are any changes, please reply by 16:00 on October 25, 2023 (Wed). (After that, it will be confirmed and informed to students.)


2. Guidelines for thesis review

1) Method of thesis review and public presentation



face-to-face examination

online examination

thesis review

After securing a classroom and preparing conditions for public presentation of the thesis, conducting it

via video (using Zoom meeting) or e-mail

public presentation

via video (using Zoom meeting)


2) If the thesis review is conducted online, submit online examination plan by 2023. 11. 2. (Thu) 16:00

** Online examination is not possible if the online examination plan is not submitted within the period. (punctuality)

3. Report of the results after the examination completed

Submission deadline

Documents to be submitted (how to submit)


Submit until

2023. 12. 18. (Mon)


Documents to be submitted by judges(chairman)

Doctoral Degree

- Chairman of the Jury: 1 copy of consent, 1 copy of examination result table, 1 copy of review summary (Written by the judge's signature), 1 copy of Examination Schedule,

3 copies of interim report

- Judges: 1 copy of consent, 1 copy of examination result table


Master's Degree Judges(chairman): 1 copy of consent, 1 copy of examination result table


Conduction of plagiarism prevention program (Turnitin, Copykiller) similarity test and submission of documents

Subject to mandatory similarity test: All authors of thesis for master's and doctorate degrees

- Select Turnitin or Copykiller, CopyKiller for Korean papers, Turnitin for English papers is recommended


Documents to be submitted after similarity test

- Turnitin user: 1 copy of originality report, 1 copy of digital receipt

- Copykiller user: 1 copy of test result confirmation




< Detailed schedule for thesis review >



The details


2023. 10. 10.(Tue)

~ 12. 15.(Fri)

thesis review

Doctoral 3 or more times, Master’s 2 or more times


2023. 11. 2.(Thu)


If the thesis review is conducted online

Fill out the online thesis review plan and submit it to the Graduate School Administration Office within the deadline

2023. 11. 17.(Fri)

13:00 ~ 18:00

Public presentation

Graduate School Lecture Room, Hwasun Educational Information Building


2023. 12. 18.(Mon)

Submission of examination documents

(When changing the thesis title, submit the title change request (제목변경원) as well.)

Graduate School Administration Office, Room 104, Hwasun Convergence Research Building (M2)




Attachments 1. [Thesis] Title change request for degree request thesis (under review)

2. [Examination] Documents to be submitted for thesis evaluation (form)

3. [Examination] Online thesis review plan (form)

4. [Examination] How to conduct a similarity test for the thesis plagiarism prevention program. end.



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