2023 2nd Graduate Student Overseas Training Support Project Informatio…
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Name 관리자 Date23-06-13 14:48 Hit693 Comment0File
붙임 1. 2023학년도 2차 대학원생 국외연수 지원사업 안내문.hwp (175.5K) 9회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-06-13 14:48:49
붙임 2. 2023학년도 2차 대학원생 국외연수 지원사업 서식.hwp (46.0K) 9회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-06-13 14:48:49
1. Purpose of support: Improvement of graduate students' major research ability and provision of various educational opportunities through support for overseas training activities
2. Application period: 2023. 6. 21. (Wed) ~ 2023. 7. 20. (Thu)
3. Dispatch period: 2023. 9. ~ 2024. 2. (up to 6 months)
4. Applicants: Chonnam National University graduate school master's and doctoral students (including students enrolled after completion)
5. Details of support: Support fund according to training country and period
※ Detailed programs of other financial support projects inside and outside the school and internationalization expenses and research incentives for the BK21 Education Research Center (team) cannot be duplicated
6. How to apply: Graduate School website –> Student Growth Support –> GradGrow (non-subject)
1. One copy of the 2023 2nd graduate student overseas training support project guide.
2. One copy of the 2023 2nd graduate student overseas training support project application form (form).
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