2023 General Graduate School Support Project Promotion Plan Information_Modify > Notice

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2023 General Graduate School Support Project Promotion Plan Informatio…

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Name 관리자 Date23-06-26 10:32 Hit775 Comment0



1. Eligibility: General graduate school students and post-completion students


2. Application Period: 2023. 3. 1. ~ 2024. 2. 28.

Support is limited to applications received by January 31, 2024 (support ends early when budget is exhausted)


3. How to apply: Graduate school website research and scholarship research support


4. Support criteria for each support project (For inquiries, please contact the person in charge)



business name

Application Criteria


Support for research papers


academic field

journal rating

support amount


Humanities and Social Sciences/Arts and Physical Education

international journal


700,000 won

Thesis in which the applicant is listed (published) as the lead author

international journal

SCOPUS Journal

700,000 won

Domestic academic journal

National Research Foundation registered (candidate) academic journal

500,000 won

Science/Dental Medicine

international journal

Within 10% of JCR SCI(E), SSCI

700,000 won

international journal

Other SCI(E), SSCI

500,000 won



Wonchang Ryu


Support for participation in domestic and foreign academic conferences



Application criteria (first author)



within the campus area

(Yongbong: Gwangju Metropolitan City, Dundeok: Yeosu City)

100,000 won

within the application period

Payment within 2 times per person

other areas

200,000 won


Actual expenses within 200,000 won

(Society registration fee stated on the receipt)



600,000 won

within the application period

Payment once per person

Australia, Eastern Russia

800,000 won

Europe, America and beyond

1,000,000 won



Statistics education support



Middle class


Basic statistical theory and SPSS basic operation

Exploratory data analysis

Single t-test and independent t-test

Paired t-test and nonparametric test

Other related courses

Categorical analysis

Analysis of variance (one-way, two-way)

Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis I

Multiple Regression Analysis II, Covariance Analysis

Other related courses

Multivariate ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA

Discriminant analysis, cluster analysis

Principal component analysis, factor analysis

Reliability analysis, validity analysis

Other related courses



Actual expenses supported only twice per master's/doctoral/master's/doctoral course (within a total of 500,000 won)

foreign language academic thesis

proofreading fee support

- Academic thesis in a foreign language: A thesis written in English, French, Japanese, Chinese, or German.

- International journals: Papers to be submitted and published in academic journals listed in SCI (SCIE), SSCI, and A&HCI, only when the address of the author is indicated as Chonnam National University.

- Actual expenses (maximum amount: 500,000 won) are supported only once per paper, and there is no limit on the number of papers supported.

Wonchang Ryu

Foreign language ability improvement program support



Supported by

Support field

Support amount

Number of applications

Support for foreign language courses at the Language Education Center

an enrolled student

Registered students after completion

a foreign language course

(English conversation for native speakers, specialized lectures by area, intensive lectures during vacation, TOEIC/TOPLE lectures, second language)

For foreigners, a special lecture on Korean

actual expenses

(Attached with a receipt)

within three times a year


Youngran Cho






1. 1 copy of '23 general graduate school support project promotion plan (draft)_Modify.

2. 1 copy each of application details and application form for the general graduate school support project. end.



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