- 1. 서울대학교 학사 (1987)
- 2. 서울대학교 석사 (1990)
- 3. 서울대학교 박사 (1995)
경력 및 해외 연수
- 1. NIH(USA) 박사후연구원(1996-2001)
- 2. 이화여자대학교 조교수 (2001-2004)
- 3. 전북대학교 부교수 (2005-2006)
- 4. 전남대학교 부교수 (2006-2009)
- 5. 전남대학교 교수 (2010-현재)
- 6. Harvard Medical School Visiting Scholar(2012-2014)
연구업적 및 저서
- 1. Han S-J, Lee BC, Yim SH, Gladyshev VN, Lee S-R. Characterization of mammalian selenoprotein O: a redox-active mitochondrial protein. PLoS One, 2014; 9(4):e95518.
- 2.Lee JH, Kwon JH, Jeon YH, Ko KY, Lee S-R, Kim IY. Pro178andPro183ofselenoproteinSareessentialresiduesforinteractionwithp97(VCP)duringendoplasmicreticulum-associateddegradation.J.Biol.Chem.,2014;289:13758-13768.
- 3. Pulido R, Lee S-R et al., A unified nomenclature and amino acid numbering for human PTEN. Sci. Signal., 2014; 7(332):pe15.
- 4. Han S-J, Ahn Y, Park I, Zhang Y, Kim I, Kim HW, Ku CS, Chay KO, Yang SY, Ahn BW, Jang DI, Lee S.-R. Assay of the redox state of the tumor suppressor PTEN by mobility shift. Methods, 2015; 77-78:58-62
- 5. Yoon HJ, Jang MS, Kim HW, Song DU, Nam KI, Bae CS, Kim SJ, Lee S-R, Ku CS, Jang DI, Ahn BW., Protective effect of diet supplemented with rice prolamin extract against DNCB-induced atopic dermatitis in BALB/c mice. BMC Complement Altern. Med. 2015; 15:353.
- 6. Lee JH, Park KJ, Jang JK, Jeon YH, Ko KY, Kwon JH, Lee S-R, Kim IY. Selenoprotein S-dependent selenoprotein K binding to p97(VCP) protein is essential for endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. J. Biol. Chem. 2015; 290:29941-29952.
- 1. 한국미생물학회
- 2. 한국분자세포생물학회