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교수진 세계적 의생명과학 연구를 선도하는 연구자 양성

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교실(과) 해부학
연구(전공)분야 분자종양학
이메일 chjung@jnu.ac.kr


  • 1998. 미국 University of Georgia Graduate School, Athens, Georgia (철학박사)

경력 및 해외 연수

  • 1998-2000 University of Virginia School of Medicine, Postdoctoral fellow
  • 2000-2004 Indiana University School of Medicine, Research Assistant Professor
  • 2004-2006 Indiana University School of Medicine Dept of Urology, Assistant Professor
  • 2006-2012 전남대학교 의과대학 해부학교실 부교수
  • 2012-2014 Indiana University School of Medicine Dept of Urology, Visiting Scholar
  • 2012-현재 전남대학교 의과대학 해부학교실 교수
  • 2016-현재 의과대학 기초주임교수




  • 1998 Pfizer Award, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  • 1998 Molecular Urology and Therapeutics Research Fellowship, University of Virginia Health Sciences, Charlottesville, VA, USA
  • 2000 Albert James Hackl Urologic Oncology Fellowship ,Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA
  • 2004 Wendy Will Case Cancer Award, Wendy Will Case Cancer Fund, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA

연구업적 및 저서

  • 1. Lee, S, M Yang, J Kim, S Kang, J Kim, JC Kim, C Jung, T Shin, SH Kim, and C Moon. Trimethyltin-induced hippocampal neurodegeneration: A mechanism-based review. Brain Research Bulletin, 125:187-199 (2016).
  • 2. Cho, YS, DM Hung, SY Kwon, C Moon, K Kim, K Lee, SJ Lee, S Hemmi, YE Joo, MS Kim, and C Jung. Efficacy of CD46-targeting chimeric Ad5/35 adenoviral gene therapy for colorectal cancers. Oncotarget, 7(25):38210-38223 (2016).
  • 3. Kim, YR, TW Kang, PK To, Xuan Nguyen NT, YS Cho, C Jung, and MS Kim. HOXB13-mediated suppression of p21waf1/cip1 regulates JNK/c-jun signaling in propstate cancer cells. Oncology Reports, 35:2011-2016 (2016).
  • 4. Song, S, A Kim, M Brown, C Jung, S Ko, and B Ziaie. An implantable wireless interstitial pressure sensor with integrated guyton chamber. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, in press (2016).
  • 5. Kim, YR, IJ Kim, TW Kang, C Choi, KK Kim, MS Kim, KI Nam, and C Jung. HOXB13 downregulates intracellular zinc and increases NF-kB signaling to promote prostate cancer metastasis. Oncogene, 33:4558-4567 (2014).
  • 6. Lee, SY, CH Song, YB Xie, C Jung, HS Choi, and K Lee. SMILE upregulated by metformin inhibits the function of androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells. Cancer Letters, 354:390-397 (2014).
  • 7. Kim, IJ, TW Kang, T Jeong, Y-R Kim, and C Jung. HOXB13 regulates the prostate-derived Ets factor: Implications for prostate cancer cell invasion. Int J Oncol, 45:869-876 (2014).
  • 8. Jung, C, Y Park, Y-R Kim, SB Ryu, and TW Kang. Five-alpha reductase inhibitor influences expression of androgen receptor and HOXB13 in human hyperplastic prostate cancer. Int Braz J Urol, 39:875-883 (2013).


  • 1998-present American Association of Cancer Research Member
  • 2006-present Korean Association of Anatomists Member
  • 2010-present Anatomy and Cell Biology Section Editor
  • 2008-present Chonnam Medical Journal Editorial Board