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교수진 세계적 의생명과학 연구를 선도하는 연구자 양성

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스탄 라즈반
교실(과) 의생명학
연구(전공)분야 Immunology
이메일 strazvan@jnu.ac.kr


Stan Razvan’s lab is performing research into two avenues:


1. Molecular mechanisms underlying changes in monoclonal antibody binding affinity for viral and bacterial antigens during fever.

Fever is a regulated increase in core body temperature following infections, that aids in survival. While use of antipyretics may have severe adverse impact on patients suffering with sepsis, prolonged fever has nonetheless detrimental effects on human health.

We are investigating with biophysical, molecular dynamics and immunological techniques the mechanisms of thermal transfer at fever temperatures in immune complexes (collaborations with Prof. Choi Yoonjoo from Chonnam National University Medical School, South Korea, and with Prof. Maristela de Camargo from University of São Paulo, Brazil).


2. Mechanisms underlying transient molecular memory events following repeated stimulations.

- In vitro memory formation in protein complexes is essential for understanding cellular signaling and adaptation to environment, and is relevant for all aspects of immunology.

- We are investigating the effects of priming and conditioning on formation of protein complexes in vitro with two systems: immune complexes and enzymatic complexes. (collaboration with Dr. Aura Precupas from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Romanian Academy of Science, Romania).