<의과학과 해외연자 세미나 일정>-<Seminar schedule for medical students and…
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작성자 관리자 작성일22-04-01 15:07 조회1,160회 댓글0건본문
<의과학과 해외연자 세미나 일정>
- 수업 담당교수: 의생명과학교실 현훈, 기생충학교실 원은정
- 수업 장소: 교육정보동 1층 G-Connect Conference Room
- 수업 시간: 수요일 11:00 ~ 12:00
날짜 | 연자 | 소속 | 제목 |
2022. 04. 06. | 조주연 | Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital | Formin protein Daam2 modifies neural circuit and neurovascular unit in the CNS |
2022. 04. 13. | 최창용 | Johns Hopkins University | Autophagy-competent mitochondrial translation elongation factor TUFM inhibits caspase-8-mediated apoptosis |
2022. 04. 20. | 이상준 | St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital | Discovery of innate immune sensors in viral infections |
2022. 04. 27. | 유웅재 | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | Gut pathogen’s last breath and diseases: High-fat diet-induced intestinal inflammation links gut dysbiosis and cardiovascular disease |
2022. 05. 04. | 박효진 | Yale University School of Medicine | Defective flow-migration coupling causes arteriovenous malformations |
2022. 05. 11. | 이원석 | Harvard Medical School | Brain region-specific kinases selectively affect regional neurodegeneration in Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 |
2022. 05. 18. | 어형진 | University of Southern California | Metabolic determinants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug tolerance and drug resistance |
2022. 05. 25. | 김헌석 | Stanford University School of Medicine | Single-cell characterization of CRISPR- perturbed transcript isoforms with nanopore sequencing |
2022. 06. 08. | 염민규 | University of Cambridge | Tracing cellular dynamics during intestinal tumorigenesis and injury repair |
2022. 06. 15. | 최진욱 | University of Cambridge | Friend or Foe: Inflammation in tissue regeneration and diseases |
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