도로교통 안전교육 이수 안내[외국인 학생 필참] > 공지사항

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도로교통 안전교육 이수 안내[외국인 학생 필참]

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일21-11-15 15:50 조회765회 댓글0건


Hi everyone,
Notification from the BMSGP.

Foreign graduate students of the BMSGP must complete the “Road Traffic Safety Education” as a compulsory course.

Please reach the venue in advance by 12:50 on that date and write your full name correctly on the attendee list. A certificate of completion is distributed upon check-out, and if you leave midway, you will not receive a certificate of completion.

The certificate of completion must be submitted to the Graduate School Administration Office at a later date.(by 2021.11.26.(Fri) 17:00)

Students who do not submit the education certificate will be excluded from the scholarship for the next semester.

The detailed event schedule is as follows.
[Road traffic safety education]
November 24, 2021 1:00PM ~ 2:00PM
Hwasun Basic Research Building 5th Floor Sunny Hall​

도로교통 안전교육 이수 안내 [외국인 학생 필참] 

대학원 의과학과 소속 외국인 대학원생들에게 안내드립니다.
다음과 같이 도로교통 안전교육 강의가 있으니 필수로 참석하시기 바랍니다.
일시 : 2021. 11. 24.(수) 13:00 ~ 14:00 (1시간)
장소 : 화순 기초연구동 5층 맑은홀
연자 : 류혜정 (도로교통공단 전남지부)
 강의 종료 후 수료증을 배부하오니 해당 수료증을 대학원 행정실로 2021.11.26.(금) 17:00까지 제출바랍니다.
교육수료증을 제출하지 않는 학생은 다음 학기 장학금 사정에서 제외됩니다.

Information is provided to foreign graduate students belonging to BMSGP.
There are road traffic safety education lectures as follows, compulsory attendance .
Date: 2021. 11. 24. (Wed) 13:00 ~ 14:00 (1 hour)
Venue: Hwasun Basic Research Building 5th floor, Sunny Hall
Speaker: Hyejeong Ryu (Jeonnam Branch of Road Traffic Authority)
  A certificate of completion will be distributed after the lecture is over, so please submit the certificate to the Graduate School Administration Office by 2021.11.26.(Fri) 17:00. 
Students who do not submit the education certificate will be excluded from the scholarship for the next semester.



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