Information on selecting new foreign graduate students (buddy) for the 2nd semester of 2024 > Notice

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Information on selecting new foreign graduate students (buddy) for the…

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Name 관리자 Date24-08-21 17:05 Hit89 Comment0



1. Eligibility for application: Graduate students and registered students after completion (Korean and foreigners)

2. Number of people recruited: 20 people

3. Application period: '24. 8. 19. ~ 8. 26.

4. Period of activity: '24.8.30~12.31.

5. Activity details

A. Support for the academic schedule of new foreign graduate students

B. Information on campus tours, classrooms and libraries, banks, etc

C. Experience internal and external events, convenience facilities, etc

D. Providing assistance and cultural and language exchange to adjust to the life of study abroad

6. Activity Benefits: Payment of activity support expenses (KRW 300,000) and issuance of activity certificates

7. How to apply: Graduate School homepage – Support for student growth – GradGrow (non-curricular)

※ See [Attached] for application-related details and forms

8. Contact: Staff of Human Resources Development Office, Graduate Innovation Headquarters 062-530-5915 /

Attachment 1. Part 1 of the guide for selecting new foreign graduate students (buddy) for the second semester of 2024.
2. Application for Application (Foreign Graduate Freshman Settlement Helpers) Bureau, 1 copy each in English.

3. Part one of the promotional material for foreign graduate student settlement helpers (buddy) for the second semester of 2024. The end. 


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