Publication requirements for thesis defense
페이지 정보
Name 관리자 Date21-03-25 14:57 Hit1,632 Comment0본문
Publication requirements for thesis defense
1. Masters
- For students who entered the BioMedical Sciences Graduate Program (BMSGP) in 2017 and after,
they should publish at least one paper in a journal enlisted on SCI(E) as student being author (either
1st or co-author) and his/her thesis adviser being corresponding author. Counted as publication are
papers that are either published or e-pub between admission to the BMSGP and application to the
thesis defense.
2. PhD and MS/PhD combined
- For students who entered the BMSGP in 2015-2020, they should publish at least one paper in a journal enlisted on SCI(E) as student being 1st author and his/her thesis adviser being corresponding author. If there are more than one 1st author, the number of published paper (X) is calculated as 1/n (n is the number of 1st authors) and X should be 1 or more. Neither books nor case reports are counted as publication. If the journal’s impact factor (IF) ranks 10% or less in the Subject Category, the 1/n rule does not apply albeit multiple 1st authors. The journal IF is determined based on the thesis submission year’s Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Counted as publication are papers that are either published or e-pub between admission to the BMSGP and application to the thesis defense.
- For students who enter the BMSGP in 2021-2022, one of the following should be met. All papers should be published in journals enlisted on SCI(E) as student being 1st author and his/her thesis adviser being corresponding author. The journal IF is determined based on the thesis submission year’s JCR. Neither books nor case reports are counted as publication. Counted as publication are papers that are either published or e-pub between admission to the BMSGP and application to the thesis defense.
1) The sum of journal IF in which papers are published should be 5 or more.
2) One paper published in a journal whose impact factor ranks 10% or less in the Subject Category.
3) Two papers
- For students who enter the BMSGP in 2023 and after, one of the following should be met. All papers should be published in journals enlisted on SCI(E) as student being 1st author and his/her thesis adviser being corresponding author. The journal IF is determined based on the thesis submission year’s JCR. Neither books nor case reports are counted as publication. Counted as publication are papers that are either published or e-pub between admission to the BMSGP and application to the thesis defense.
1) The sum of journal IF in which papers are published should be 7 or more.
2) One paper published in a journal whose impact factor ranks 10% or less in the Subject Category.
- For students who transferred from Molecular Medicine Interdisciplinary Program (MMIP), they are subjected to the publication requirement rule in MMIP.
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