Kim, Woong Mo > Faculty

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Kim, Woong Mo
Department Department of anesthesiology and pain medicine
Major Field of Research Pain, Spinal cord, Supraspinal, Microdialysis

Research interests


Animal models of pain

To investigate pain transmission, identify new targets for pain relief, and characterize the potential analgesic profile of novel compounds , we are using an array of experimental animal pain models mainly of rats, reflecting all types of pain, from acute to chronic and nociceptive to neuropathic and cancer-related pain. Depending on the model, modalities for pain measurements encompass spontaneous pain behaviors as well as evoked pain by various techniques.


Animal models of nociception: Formalin/Carrageenan model, Paw incision model, Post-surgical pain model, Spinal nerve ligation model, Bone cancer pain model, Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy model, Morphine tolerance model, Chronic post-ischemia pain model.


Behavioral assessment: Hot/cold plate, Hot box, von Frey monofilaments test.


2. Pharmacologic intervention

To study central nervous system mechanisms of pain or action of target compound, we are utilizing intracranial or spinal routes of administration (Fig. 1) as well as systemic delivery of experimental compounds, thus activating or inactivating specific proteins that reside in spinal cord or brain and also enabling the microdialysis analyses of extracellular environmental change.


3. Microdialysis study

In addition to the immunoassay or immunostaining techniques which show the abundance, distribution, and localization of target protein, we analyze samples obtained from microdialysis experiments in the spinal cord or brain (Fig. 2). Microdialysis study enables the analysis of the change in extracellular environment where the neurotransmitters are released to act on their relevant receptors. Compared to other techniques such as the measurements or total content of specific protein in the tissue, this analysis may provide more information about the activity of specific pathway of pain transmission of modulation.



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