Kim, Tae-Jong > Faculty

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Kim, Tae-Jong
Department Rheumatology
Major Field of Research Clinical immunology, Inflammation, Anima model for Arthritis

Research interests

Tae-Jong Kim’s lab has been performing research on the topics listed below using human tissue samples and mouse model for rheumatic diseases. Taking advantage of CITE single cell sequencing analysis (by KAIST/GENOMEinSIGHT) and Clinical Experts Committee (HANYANG University/SEOUL NATIONAL University), we are developing drugs related to research topic collaborating with Professor Eun Jeong Won in Department of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine.



1. Immunologic mechanism of spondyloarthritis and other rheumatic diseases


- Rheumatic diseases are the immunologic disease, which is characterized by systemic organ involvements such as eye, gut, lung, heart, brain, and kidney.

- We have beed investigating molecular immunologic mechanism of rheumatic diseases using single cell sequencing.

- In addition, we has been educating how to apply this benchside results to bedside for patients.




2. Development of anti-inflammatory drugs


- Although many drugs have been developed for patients with rheumatic diseases. There still exist unresponsiveness to drug treatment. Also Serious unexpected side effects of drugs have been reported.

- According to our lab’s results, parasite-derived molecules are the good candidates for inflammatory rheumatic disease showing a significant suppression of systemic inflammation.

- Therefore, we are planing to develop an echo-friendly bio-drug for systemic inflammatory diseases.




3. Collaboration with bio-drug company


- There are many companies for developing new drug candidates for immunologic diseases.

- However they do not know whether these molecules are really good candidates for rheumatic diseases.

- We have been collaborating and helping those companies to evaluate drug effectiveness with in-vivo and ex-vivo experimental data.​ 






<그림 1. 관절염 동물 모델 염증 평가>





<그림 2. 관절염 동물 모델 PET/조직 염증 평가>





<그림 3. 관절염 환자 혈액 및 관절액 면역세포 분석>​​


  • Tae-Jong Kim’s lab has been performing research on the topics listed below using human tissue samples and mouse model for rheumatic diseases. Taking advantage of CITE single cell sequencing analysis (by KAIST/GENOMEinSIGHT) and Clinical Experts Committee (HANYANG University/SEOUL NATIONAL University), we are developing drugs related to research topic collaborating with Professor Eun Jeong Won in Department of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine.
  • 1. Immunologic mechanism of spondyloarthritis and other rheumatic diseases
  • - Rheumatic diseases are the immunologic disease, which is characterized by systemic organ involvements such as eye, gut, lung, heart, brain, and kidney.
  • - We have beed investigating molecular immunologic mechanism of rheumatic diseases using single cell sequencing.
  • - In addition, we has been educating how to apply this benchside results to bedside for patients.
  • 2. Development of anti-inflammatory drugs
  • - Although many drugs have been developed for patients with rheumatic diseases. There still exist unresponsiveness to drug treatment. Also Serious unexpected side effects of drugs have been reported.
  • - According to our lab’s results, parasite-derived molecules are the good candidates for inflammatory rheumatic disease showing a significant suppression of systemic inflammation.
  • - Therefore, we are planing to develop an echo-friendly bio-drug for systemic inflammatory diseases.
  • 3. Collaboration with bio-drug company
  • - There are many companies for developing new drug candidates for immunologic diseases.
  • - However they do not know whether these molecules are really good candidates for rheumatic diseases.
  • - We have been collaborating and helping those companies to evaluate drug effectiveness with in-vivo and ex-vivo experimental data.