Information on holding special lectures 「Tips for writing a thesis fro…
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Name 관리자 Date22-11-28 14:53 Hit746 Comment0File
「외국인 선배가 들려주는 논문작성 Tip」기본 계획.hwp (185.5K) 19회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-11-28 14:53:07
1. Program: Tips for writing a thesis from an international senior student
2. Training date: 2022. 12. 22.(Thu) 13:30~18:00 (science and engineering 16:00 ~ 18:00)
3. Venue: Lecture room 105, College of Natural Science 3
4. Target: Master's and doctoral degree students at general graduate schools
5. Language: English
6. How to apply: Graduate school website – Student Growth Support – Grad Grow(비교과)
7. Application period: 2022. 11. 23.(Wed) ~ 2022. 12. 13.(Tue), First-come, first-served basis
8. Inquiries: 062-530-5916/ Graduate School Innovation Headquarters Human Resource Development Office(대학원혁신본부 인재양성실)
Attachments 1. Master plan of 「Tips for writing a thesis from an international senior student」.
2. Promotional materials of 「Tips for Writing a thesis from an international senior student」.
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