(Very important) Guidance on participation in human rights education in the 4th stage of 2022 BK21 > Notice

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(Very important) Guidance on participation in human rights education i…

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Name 관리자 Date22-12-05 11:40 Hit743 Comment0


In order to improve the human rights sensitivity of medical students and prevent human rights violations, we will run the 4th stage human rights education program, so medical students must attend.


1. Training date: 2022. 12. 7. (Wed) 09:50 ~ 10:50


2. Training venue (simultaneous progress in different places for locals and foreigners)

- Hwasun Biomedical Science Convergence Center Education Information Building M1 2nd floor Graduate lecture room (foreigners)

- Hwasun Biomedical Science Convergence Center Education Information Building M1 3rd floor Seminar Room (Koreans)


3. Mandatory attendees: Medical science students (must attend)


4. Precautions

- Students who do not attend without reason may be excluded from various scholarships such as RA, TA, and BK.

- Attendees must write their course/student number/name in the guest book in the classroom before the lecture begins.

- Students who are unable to attend due to personal reasons must fill out a statement of reason (free form) and submit it to the administration office (write the reason in detail).

- Be sure to come to the lecture place by 09:50.



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