Guide to Participating in Thesis Writing Tour with Advisor > Notice

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Guide to Participating in Thesis Writing Tour with Advisor

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Name 관리자 Date22-12-14 14:53 Hit984 Comment0



1. Operation contents: Intensive study of research topic selection and research methodologies with advisor for 2 days and 1 night


2. Operation Target: A team composed of professors and graduate students (enrolled students, registered students after completion)


3. Number of people selected: Selecte around 15 teams (around 150 people in total)


4. Camp site: Yeosu UTOP Marina Hotel


5. Operation schedule

1) Application schedule: 2022.12.20.(Tue) 09:00 ~ 2022.12.27.(Tue) 17:00 (first-come, first-served basis)

2) Participation period: 1 night and 2 days during the period from 2023.1.2.(Mon) to 2023.2.10.(Fri)

Weekdays will be chosen(based on check-in Monday through Thursday), weekends, and Lunar New Year holidays are not available

3) Within 1 week after the end of the participation, submit the result report of the participating team, thesis writing plan, supporting documents, etc.


6. Support details: accommodation, food expenses (use designated restaurants), transportation expenses, and rental fees for seminar rooms


7. How to apply

1) Graduate school homepage-Student Growth Support -Access and apply to the GradGrow site

2) Documents to be submitted: participation application form, operation plan, participation agreement from advisor, budget use plan



Attachments 1. Guide on operating the thesis writing tour with advisor.

                 2. The poster of thesis writing tour with advisor. End



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