Guide to Participation in Nature Editor 1:1 thesis Coaching
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Name 관리자 Date22-12-20 15:09 Hit895 Comment0File
Nature 에디터 1대1 논문코칭 운영 안내.hwp (110.0K) 14회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-12-20 15:09:23
1. Target
- Academic follow-up generation (graduate school students, post-completion students, postdoctoral researchers, research professors, lecturers, etc.) who are currently writing a thesis
- For biological and biotechnology, medicine, and engineering researchers (Bio, Life Science, Medicine, Engineering)
2. Operation details
- 3 days (2 hours and 30 minutes each) online review by two Nature editors related to the research field
- One-on-one coaching for individual thesis abstracts through individual video conferencing
3. Number of people to be selected: 30 (will be judged after application on a first-come, first-served basis)
4. Operation Method: Non-face-to-face (Nature Webinar)
5. Operation schedule
- Application period: 2022. 12. 19 (Mon) ~ 2022. 12. 31 (Sat)
- Submission of thesis abstract : 2023. 1. 26 (Thu)
6. How to apply: Graduate school website - student growth support - access GradGrow and submit the application form
Attachments 1. The Nature Editor's one-on-one thesis coaching operation guide.
2. The poster of Nature editor's one-on-one thesis coaching.
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