Graduate Networking Night event information
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Name 관리자 Date23-01-05 15:02 Hit725 Comment0File
Graduate Networking Night 개최 안내문.hwp (127.0K) 20회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-01-05 15:02:47
1. Participants: Chonnam National University domestic and foreign general graduate students and new researchers
2. Application period: 2023. 1. 3. (Tue) ~ 1. 17. (Tue)
3. Date and time: 2023. 2. 3. (Fri), 17:00 ~ 21:30
4. Venue: G&R Hub 1st floor seminar room
5. Contents of the event: introduction of the graduate student growth support program, sharing of cultural diversity, presentation of individual research topics, ice breaking, dinner, etc.
6. How to apply: Graduate School website – Student Growth Support – GradGrow (비교과)
Attachments 1. Graduate Networking Night guide.
2. Graduate Networking Night poster.
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