Information on selection of foreign graduate school freshman settlemen…
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Name 관리자 Date23-02-14 15:56 Hit813 Comment0File
2023-1학기 외국인 대학원 신입생 정착도우미버디 선발 계획.hwp (194.5K) 12회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-02-14 15:56:11
Application FormBuddy for International Graduate Student.docx (131.1K) 7회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-02-14 15:56:11
1. Eligibility: 20 general graduate school students and registered students (Koreans and foreigners)
2. Activity period: 2023. 2. 28. ~ 2023. 6. 30.
3. Activities: Guidance on Academic schedule for foreign graduate students and using campus facilities, etc.
4. Activity benefits: Payment of activity support fee (250,000 won) and issuance of activity certificate
5. Application period: 2023. 2. 14. (Tue) ~ 2. 21. (Tue)
6. How to apply: Graduate school website – Student growth support – GradGrow (비교과)
7. Inquiries: 062-530-5916/ Graduate School Innovation Headquarters Human Resource Development Office
Attachments 1. Foreign Graduate School New Student Settlement Helper (Buddy) Selection Plan for the 1st Semester of 2023 (draft) 1 copy.
2. One copy of the application form. end.
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