2023 Chonnam National University Student Online Violence Prevention Ed…
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Name 관리자 Date23-04-11 14:27 Hit880 Comment0File
전남대 온라인교육 이수 매뉴얼PC 2023.hwp (1.8M) 14회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-04-11 14:27:37
전남대 온라인교육 이수 매뉴얼스마트폰 2023.hwp (3.7M) 7회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-04-11 14:27:37
1. Training period: 2023. 4. 1. (Fri) ~ 8. 31. (Sat)
2. Target: Chonnam National University students
3. How to complete online training and check results
- Log in to Chonnam National University portal → Right (Education and training) → Violence prevention education (sexual harassment, sexual violence, etc.)
- Chonnam National University Store → Violence Prevention Education App (Beware of data charges when completing smartphone education)
- Certificate of education completion can be printed from PC (https://edupool.jnu.ac.kr/)
4. Mandatory completion of violence prevention education
- Reflection of completion status when selecting on-campus student programs
5. Others
- Training hours (students): Once a year, 1 hour each for sexual and domestic violence (2 hours in total)
- New students: Must complete violence prevention education by April 30
1. Chonnam National University Online Education Completion Manual (PC) 1 copy.
2. Chonnam National University store completion manual (smartphone) 1 copy. end.
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