2023 L-STAR Thesis Writing Team Coaching Recruitment Information
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Name 관리자 Date23-05-31 17:21 Hit715 Comment0File
2023학년도 L-STAR 논문작성 팀 코칭 선발 계획.hwp (96.5K) 9회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-05-31 17:21:27
[서식] L-STAR 팀 코칭 참여 신청서.hwp (45.5K) 3회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-05-31 17:21:27
1. Recruitment Period: 2023.5.25.(Thu)~6.9.(Fri)
2. Recruitment Target: Master's/Doctoral students in general graduate school and registered students after completion
3. Recruitment scale: 8 teams (2 people per team, 16 people in total)
4. Application Requirements:
- Teams capable of regular activities at least once a month
- Team to utilize quantitative research (ability to make survey statistical analysis)
5. How to apply: Submit the application form online [Attachment 2 form]
6. Selection results: 2023.6.16. (Fri) Recruited people and Schedule of coaching will be announced on the website and notified individually
※ Inquiries: Library Education Research Support Team (Contact: 062 530-3541)
Kindly find the attachments below,
1. 2023 L-STAR Thesis Writing Team Coaching Selection Plan Part 1.
2. L-STAR thesis writing team coaching participation application form 1 copy.
3. 2023 L-STAR Thesis Writing Team Coaching Recruitment Poster 1 copy.
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