Individual psychological counseling for international graduate student…
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Name 관리자 Date22-11-01 14:25 Hit786 Comment0File
붙임 외국인 대학원생 개인심리상담 안내문영문.hwp (48.5K) 16회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-11-01 14:25:08
1. Application
Login to the Graduate school website homepage → Support for student growth (학생성장지원) → GradGrow (비교과)
2. Program period
- Application period '22. October 28(Fri) ~ November 11(Fri)
- Counseling period '22. November 21(Mon) ~ ‘23. February 17(Fri)
3. Notes
- You can participate in up to 10 sessions.
- During online Individual Psychological counseling be sure to access meeting in an independent space with no people around
4. For inquiries -
Attachment 1. Personal psychological counseling guide for foreign graduate students Part 1
2. Personal psychological counseling poster for foreign graduate students. The end.
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