Step 4 Introduction to the BK21 Graduate Student Human Rights Violatio…
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Name 관리자 Date22-05-06 14:39 Hit954 Comment0File
붙임1.4단계 BK21 대학원생 인권침해 및 연구장학금 공동관리 근절 공모 공고문.hwp (113.0K) 20회 다운로드 DATE : 2022-05-06 14:39:03
1. Name of Competition: Human Rights Violation of Graduate Students and Eradication of Joint Management of Research Scholarships
2. Topic of Public Offering: Eradicating Human Rights Violation of Graduate Students or Joint Management of Research Scholarships
※ You can apply by selecting only one topic, and you can apply with both topics
Public offering: slogan or video
※ One can be applied for each field, and up to two points can be applied for different fields (e.g., one slogan and one video)
3. Eligibility: Stage 4 BK21 Project Participants and Business Officials
- Participating personnel: Graduate students/professors/new research personnel with a history of participation on September 1, 2020
※ It must be registered in the comprehensive information system to be recognized as a participant (excluding awards for non-registered persons)
- Officials: Personnel in charge of administration, industry-academic cooperation team, and graduate school innovation staff
※ Submission of evidence to confirm that you are a person in charge before awarding the award at the time of selection (excluding non-evidence)
4. Contest period: May 3rd (Tue) 9:00 to May 18th (Wed) 13:00
5. How to accept: Submit an application and consent form email (
6. Award details: Commendation of Chairman of the Korea Research Foundation and Award of Prize
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