Notification of the implementation of the 2022 General Graduate School Support Project Promotion Plan > Notice

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Notification of the implementation of the 2022 General Graduate School…

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Name 관리자 Date22-06-22 16:08 Hit1,056 Comment0



Notification of the implementation of the 2022 General Graduate School Support Project Promotion Plan


1. Subject to application: General graduate school students and students enrolled after completion


2. Application period: 2022. 3. 1. ~ 2023. 2. 28.

Support only for applications received by January 31, 2023


3. Major changes of support project

Job title


Improvement (proposal)


(Extension number

Support for overseas training for graduate students

Support for overseas training activities

­Full-time general graduate students with 12 credits or more and an average GPA of 3.5 or higher

Full-time general graduate students

(Removal of restrictions on credits and Acquisition)

Se-yeon Kim


Support for strengthening research capabilities

Research paper encouragement support

Payment of incentives for papers listed as the lead author

­Once a year / 1 paper a year

To be announced separately after modifying the details

Seong-don Boo


Support participation expenses for academic conferences


­ 2 times per person within the application period


­ Once per person during the application period


­ 2 times per person within the application period

refer to ‘Present’

Statistical education support

Payment of statistics education expenses

­Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Online course registration is possible

refer to ‘Present’

Support for improving foreign language skills

Support for actual expenses when completing foreign language courses at the Language Education Center of our school

Language test fee support

­When acquiring more than the standard score

­Including foreign students TOPIK

refer to ‘Present’

Abolition (Certified language test application fee not supported)

Yeong-ran Jo


Support for foreign language thesis writing (correction fee)

Payment of foreign language academic thesis correction fees

In case of foreigners, support for Korean language proofreading of papers scheduled to be published in excellent national journals (Use of Language Education Center)

If a faculty member participated as a corresponding author and received proofreading fee support from the Research Office, duplicate application is not allowed.

refer to ‘Present’

refer to ‘Present’

If duplicate support is found through self-audit or government audit, etc., the graduate school is not responsible for the full refund and any administrative or financial disadvantages resulting from this

Research paper encouragement support and G-KIRI support projects will be implemented after establishing a separate plan



1. One copy of the '22 General Graduate School Support Project Promotion Plan (draft).

2. General graduate school application details and application form, one copy each.

3. One copy of the application manual for general graduate school application programs.



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