Information on application for registration after completion of general graduate school in the second semester of 2022 > Notice

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Information on application for registration after completion of genera…

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Name 관리자 Date22-07-26 11:13 Hit902 Comment0



Graduate students who participate in the BK21 project and the national R&D project (including faculty and research grant scholarships), or who are engaged in research activities in science and technology labs, must apply for registration after completion to avoid disadvantages due to research expenses, labor costs, and insurance for research workers.


If you do not register after completion this time and register after completion additionally in September, the BK scholarship will be paid less than the actual scholarship in September.


If the student is marked as enrolled by August 10 and cannot apply for registration after completion, he/she must visit the administration office directly on August 11.


1. Target: Students who have completed general graduate school and specialized/special graduate schools

2. Procedure: Educational support My academic affairs Registration Application for registration after graduation Application

3. Application period: 2022. 8. 3. (Wed) ~ 8. 16. (Tue)

4. Bill printing and payment period: 2022. 8. 22. (Mon) ~ 8. 25. (Thu)

5. Registration fee after completion: 8% of tuition for the current semester



1. One copy of application for registration after graduation from graduate school program description for students.

2. One copy of guidelines for enrolled students after completing graduate school.




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