Announcement of selection of “foreign graduate school freshman settlement assistant (buddy)” for the second semester of 2022 > Notice

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Announcement of selection of “foreign graduate school freshman settlem…

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Name 관리자 Date22-08-16 13:38 Hit888 Comment0



1. Eligibility: General graduate school students and registered students (Koreans and foreigners)

2. Number of Recruitment: Around 25

3. Activity period: 2022. 8. 30. ~ 2022. 12. 30.

4. Activities: Academic calendar for foreign graduate students and information on the use of campus facilities, etc.

5. Activity benefits: Payment of activity support fee (250,000 won) and issuance of activity certificate

6. Application period: 2022. 8. 11. (Thu) ~ 8. 18. (Thu)

7. How to apply: Graduate school website – Career development – Apply for extra-curricular program (Attach the application form)

    Refer to [Attachment] for details and forms related to the application.

8. Inquiries: 062-530-5916/ Graduate School Innovation Center Talent Development Office


Attachment 1. One copy of the plan (draft) for the selection of a settling assistant (buddy) for foreign graduate students in the second semester of 2022.

                      2. One copy of each application form in Korean and English. end.



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