Information on the change of graduate degree program in the first seme…
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Name 관리자 Date24-12-18 14:17 Hit102 Comment0File
- 학위과정변경신청자명단서식.xlsx (11.0K) 2회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-12-18 14:17:20
- 석.박사통합학위과정변경지침20.10.21.hwp (138.5K) 1회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-12-18 14:17:20
- 2025학년도제1학기학위과정변경실시안내문.hwp (196.0K) 1회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-12-18 14:17:20
- 2025학년도제1학기학위과정변경가능인원.xls (28.5K) 1회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-12-18 14:17:20
A. Recruitment Department: Department (major) and cooperative courses in which a doctoral course in a general graduate school is established
B. The number of people recruited: Within 50% of the admission margin for doctoral programs (refer to attached ④)
C. Eligibility for application: A person who is completing a master's program (excluding those who have completed a master's program) with an average score of 3.5 or higher
D. Date of submission: Until January 9, 2025 (Thu)
semester | 1 semester | 2 semesters | 3 semesters | 4 semesters or more |
credits | 6credits | 12credits | 18credits | 24credits |
Attachment 1. Part 1 of the guide to the implementation of the change in the degree course for the first semester of 2025.
2. Part 1 of the guidelines for the change of degree program from graduate school master's program to master's and doctoral integrated degree program.
3. (Form) One part of the list of applicants for a degree change.
4. (Also Read) Part 1 of Degree Course Changeable Personnel. End.
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