Information on submission of master's and doctoral dissertations …
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Name 관리자 Date24-12-31 15:44 Hit158 Comment0File
- 붙임 1. 학위논문 파일 온라인 제출 방법 안내.hwp (167.0K) 12회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-12-31 15:44:24
- 붙임 2. 학위논문 파일 제출 매뉴얼.pdf (3.6M) 9회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-12-31 15:44:24
- 붙임 3. 학위논문 인쇄본 제출 방법.hwp (3.7M) 4회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-12-31 15:44:24
A. Registering a dissertation file
※ Inquiries: Library website (bulletin writing)
1) Registration period: January 2, 2025 (Thursday) ~ January 10, 2025 (Fri)
(No additional registration or modification after the period)
2) How to register: Using the thesis management system on the library website
(Attachment 1-3. Familiarize yourself with how to prepare and submit a thesis file)
※ The principle of whether to disclose the thesis is to be disclosed (patent, continuous research, and corporate secrets can be kept private)
B. Submission of the final print version of the thesis
※ Inquiries: Graduate School 062-530-5905 (Contact the Library for file submission and dCollection)
1) Period and place of submission
구분 | 광주캠퍼스 |
| 비고 |
Submission period | Doctor: 2025. 1. 13.(월) ∼ 1. 14.(화) Master: 2025. 1. 15.(수) ∼ 1. 17.(금) |
| Do not accept during lunch time (12:00-13:00) |
Method of submission | School Visits Accepted | | |
Place of submission | Degree Paper Room, 1st Floor, Annex of the Language Education Center (Backdo) |
2) Submission document
A) 3 copies of the degree thesis printed (5 copies of the law department)
※ Soft copy: gray resin black print
B) One copy of the work license (printed and submitted separately)
3) Precautions
- My cover must have the final seal of approval of the judge's paper
- Be careful not to omit the seal or signature on the paper approval
- One final copy can be submitted to the original and the rest can be submitted to the copy
Attachment 1. Part 1 of the method of writing and submitting a thesis file.
2. Part 1 of the Degree Paper File Registration Manual.
3. How to submit a printed copy of your dissertation. The end.
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