Information on applications for leave of absence and reinstatement for…
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Name 관리자 Date23-12-19 09:49 Hit692 Comment0File
2024학년도 제1학기 휴학·복학 신청 기간 안내.hwp (183.5K) 11회 다운로드 DATE : 2023-12-19 09:49:30
1. Application period of leave of absence
1) General leave of absence (registered): 2024. 2. 20. (Tue) ~ 4. 25. (Thu)
2) General Leave of Absence (Unregistered): 2024. 2. 20. (Tue) ~ 2. 23. (Fri)
2. Application period of reinstatement
1) Early reinstatement: 2024. 1. 2. (Tue) ~ 2. 8. (Thu)
2) General reinstatement: 2024. 1. 2. (Tue) ~ 2. 23. (Fri)
3. How to apply for leave of absence/reinstatement and matters to note: refer to the attachment.
Attachment. Notice of application for leave of absence/reinstatement for the 1st Semester of 2024.
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