Guidelines for Conducting the 2023 Winter Graduate Student Mental Heal…
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Name 관리자 Date24-01-04 15:39 Hit738 Comment0File
붙임 1. 2023학년도 동계 대학원생 마음건강 프로그램 안내문안.hwp (138.0K) 9회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-01-04 15:39:29
In order to support psychological health, which is part of the promotion of welfare for general graduate students of our university, we are conducting a program for mental health care during the winter vacation as follows, so please promote it.
1. Program: The 2023 Winter Graduate Student Mental Health Program
Detail program | Content | DATE | Place | Number of people |
Personal relationship recipe based on MBTI
| MBTI Test (pre-test)!
It's a variety of MBTI types
Tips for understanding interpersonal relationships! | '24. 1. 18.(Thu) 14:00~16:30 | Orange Conference Room, Library Annex | 15 |
My healing garden through art therapy | Emotional relaxation method and work using art media | `23. 1. 26.(Fri) 14:00~16:30 | Nature University Hall 3, Advanced Lecture Room 105
| 25 |
4. How to apply: Online application, Chonnam National University Graduate School website-Student Growth Support-GradGrow (non-subject)
Attachment 1. One copy of the 2023 Winter Graduate School Student Mind Health Program Guide.
2. 2023 Winter Graduate Student Mind Health Program Guide Poster Part 1. The End.
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