General ( professional) for the first semester of 2024 years.Support for registration after completion of the graduate school graduate school > Notice

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General ( professional) for the first semester of 2024 years.Support f…

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Name 관리자 Date24-01-12 14:44 Hit700 Comment0



1. Related: Article 73 (3) of Chonnam National University's School Regulations and Guidelines for the Operation of Registered Students after Graduate School Completion

2. We inform you of the application period for registration after completing the general graduate school in the first semester of 2024, so please register and guide the department's website so that the student can apply,
3. Graduate students who participate in BK21 projects and national research and development projects (including scholarships for professors' research expenses) or who are research activities in science and technology labs should apply for registration after completion to promote the payment of research expenses, labor costs, and insurance for research activity workers.
4. In addition, each university and department should submit the list of applicants by February 14, 2024 (Wednesday) after confirming the applicants for registration after completion in the Arsam program.
5. Application method
A. Target: Students who have completed general graduate schools and specialized and specialized graduate schools. Procedure: Educational support → My academic work → Registration → Application after graduate school completion. Application period: 2024. 2. 1. (Thu) to 2. 13. (Tue). Subject list submission deadline: 2024. 2. 14. (Wed) E. Bill Output and payment period: 2024. 2. 20. (Tue) to 2. 23. (Fri) 16:00 bar. Registration fee after completion: 8% of tuition fee for the semester

Attachment 1. Post-graduate registration application program manual_one copy for colleges and departments.
2. Post-graduate registration application program manual_one copy for students.
3. One copy of registered student guidelines after graduate school completion.

4. One copy of the registered student list submission form after completion. The end. 


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