2023 Graduate School Comparison Program Contest
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Name 관리자 Date24-01-17 16:56 Hit667 Comment0File
붙임. 2023학년도 대학원 비교과프로그램 공모전 안내문.hwp (353.5K) 14회 다운로드 DATE : 2024-01-17 16:56:40
In order to foster excellent researchers through the bottom-up of competency-specific non-subject programs of general graduate students and the operation of customized programs for graduate students, we would like to hold the 2023 Graduate School Comparative Program Contest as follows, so please actively promote interested graduate students to participate.
1. Program Name: Graduate School Comparison Program Contest for 2023
2. Subject of public offering: Comparative course program by core competency organized by graduate school in 2024
3. Eligibility: General graduate students (including enrolled students after completion) Individual or team (with no more than 4 people)
4. How to register: Graduate website – Student growth support – GradGrow (non-subject)
5. Application period: ~February 2, 2024 (Friday)
6. Awards scale
A. Grand Prize (0 people): KRW 500,000
B. Excellence Award (00 people): KRW 300,000
C. Encouragement Award (00 people): KRW 100,000
D. Participation award (00 people): Gifticon worth 20,000 won
7. Inquiries: Graduate Innovation Headquarters Human Resources Development Project Team (☎5918)
Attachment 1. One copy of the 2023 Graduate School Comparison Program Contest Guide.
2. Contest Information Poster Part 1. The end.
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