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Name 관리자 Date23-06-07 13:16 Hit899 Comment0



2023 General Graduate School Integrated Scholarship Program Information


Degree course

Scholarship name

Support content

Main Content



Linkage and Bachelor's/Master's/Doctoral Integrated Linkage Course

Bachelor's/Master's degree linkage and Bachelor's/Master's degree integration

Associate course undergraduate research student


(Eligible applicants) Undergraduate students in combined undergraduate and master's degree programs and combined undergraduate and master's degree programs


(Amount of support) 1,000,000 won scholarship for one semester research project (within 3 semesters)


(Conditions for application) Writing a report after conducting a project assigned by an advisor (if the advisor has passed the evaluation, research activity expenses are paid)


Implementation guidance and application: March, August


Activity period: 4 months


Result Report: August, January



Payment: early September, late January


*2 selections in the first half and second half

Choi Ji-sun

Master's entry

Challenge (future) scholarship

( Eligible applicants) Those who are expected to graduate from Sookmyung Women's University who are planning to enter general graduate school, and have an average GPA of 2.5 or higher in the previous semester


* Bachelor's/Master's combined and combined undergraduate/master's/doctoral degree students can apply


(Support amount) 1,700,000 won for humanities and social sciences, 2,300,000 won for natural arts and sports

Implementation guidance and application (1st): May, October


Implementation guidance and application (2nd): July, December


Scholarship payment: end of August, end of February


*Selection proceeds according to the general graduate school admission schedule (first half, second half)


Integrated course


Graduate School President's Honor

Scholarship (GS-PHF)

New students in the combined master's and doctoral degree program who meet all of the department and department selection criteria


Division Selection Criteria

[Criterion 1] Graduated from the same department + full-time

[Criterion 2] Undergraduate Graduation GPA of 3.75 (out of 4.5) or higher


[Maintenance Criteria] Maintain a rating of 4.0

(Support amount) Full tuition fee reduction for the previous semester


(Selection conditions) 1 person per department is recommended each semester

Implementation guidance and application: May, October


*Selection proceeds according to the general graduate school admission schedule (first half, second half)


*Only if there is no selector

Additional selection process

Doctoral entry

Academic successor


(Eligible applicants) 2nd year students and graduates of the master's program (within 1 year), those who are expected to advance to the doctoral program of the general graduate school


(Number of candidates) About 8 people each in the first half and second half


(Amount of support) A total of KRW 10,000,000 per person



Confirmation of admission to the doctoral program


1st interim report


2nd interim report


Result report and thesis presentation (listed)




Scholarship selection: May, October

Research period: 2 years


Scholarship payment: 4 installments over 2 years



Combined master's and phd

TA/RA/Special TA

Teaching/Research Assistant

/BK Teaching Assistant




-TA/RA: Full-time graduate students


- Special TA: Full-time students related to graduate school-level common subjects, BK21 Education Research Group education or research process


(Subsidy amount)

TA: 25 hours per month / KRW 400,000

RA: 20 hours per month / 300,000 won

Selection: March, September

Working period: 6 months - 1st semester March-August,

- 2nd Semester September-February


Scholarship payment: 10th of the following month

Choi Ji-sun


(subject to support)


- Full-time students in graduate school (enrolled students, students enrolled after completion )


- Fluent in a foreign language ( both domestic and foreign )

(Subsidy amount) 25 hours per month / KRW 400,000

Selection: March, September

Working period: 6 months - 1st semester March-August,

- 2nd Semester September-February


Scholarship payment: 10th of the following month

Youngran Cho



1. 2023 General Graduate School Integrated Scholarship Project Plan 1 copy.

2. 2023 General Graduate School Scholarship Detailed Plan.



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