2023 Summer Graduate Student English Thesis Writing/Presentation Guidelines > Notice

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2023 Summer Graduate Student English Thesis Writing/Presentation Guide…

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Name 관리자 Date23-06-14 13:13 Hit704 Comment0



1. Program Overview

Course name

Special lecture on how to write a thesis in English for graduate students

Special lecture on English thesis presentation method for graduate students


Customized lectures by department and level for English thesis writing and 1:1 proofreading to improve English thesis writing skills

English expression and communication skills suitable for situations such as presentations, speeches, and conferences reinforcing internationalization capabilities through intensive courses.

for improvement

Opening process

English thesis writing humanities and social sciences 1, 2

How to write a thesis in English science and engineering 1, 2

English thesis presentation method 1, 2, 3


4 divisions in total

3 divisions in total


2. Application period:

       2023. 6. 1. (Thu) ~ 6. 18. (Sun)

※ The application period has been extended further than the period stated in the notice.


3. Operating Period:

2023. 7. 4. (Tue) ~ 8. 3. (Thu) / 5 weeks, 2 hours every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (total 30 hours)


4. Lecture method: face-to-face lecture


5. Eligibility:

General graduate school students (including students enrolled after completion)

6. How to apply: Language Education Institute homepage – Course Registration – Click Course Registration/Payment

※ If you select “CNU Graduate Student” in [Course Opening Selection], the

corresponding course will be presented immediately, and the course fee is free .



1. One copy of the guidebook for the 2023 summer graduate student. special lecture on how to write an English thesis.

2. One copy of the 2023 summer graduate student special lecture on English thesis presentation.

       3. One copy of promotional material for the 2023 Summer Graduate Student English thesis writing/presentation method.


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